What part of ‘represent the people’ don’t politicians get.
They promise to listen to the wishes of their constituents, they promise community consultation, they promise transparency in government; they promise, promise, promise. Give them your vote on election day and you find out they lied, lied, lied…
We have, in our Federal and collective State Governments, a group of people who were elected into office on their promises to work in the best interests of the nation and states, to act in the best interests of the community, to uphold our basic constitutional and democratic rights – and fuck it, we believe them every time…
Well – no more!
It is time that we as citizens of a democracy are heard and respected, consulted, listened too. It is time to hold politicians to account for their actions, and to express our disagreement in matters that affect our lifestyle, our civil rights and liberties.
When we become the target of unconstitutional and down-right discriminatory targeting on the basis of legislation without consultation, when we are harassed by members of the public because of media sensationalism, when we have police officers who interpret rules based on their personal bias and prejudice – we then have a flawed system that is breaking down.
We see South Australian Attorney General John Rau basically giving police the power to book you for a traffic offence in your own back yard. We are seeing every State granting themselves the power to confiscate your motor vehicle and sell it without your consent…
We are witnessing every state entering a pissing competition because they have no real policies, and motoring enthusiasts, with the assistance of the media, are a great distraction; a distraction from the fact that the government has no idea what to do about asylum seekers, a distraction from the fact that the government has no idea what to do about our financial position, a distraction from the fact that our government is selling-off our state and federal assets to foreign interests – none of this matters to the public, because (thanks to the efforts of the media), the government is doing a great job of ridding the nation of hoons, of making it a safe place for decent folk to live – even though the anti hooning policies are not working; and what a great vote-winner amongst the unthinking masses…
Bottom line – do not take these new legislations on face value. Do not believe the politicians when they tell you that these laws will only be applied in certain cases. DO believe that we need to question everything they throw at us, that we need to challenge every amendment that potentially has the power to further erode our rights, our culture and our lifestyle.
We will not take this lying down!
By the way, these are my (Keith Littler) personal views – so don’t hold anyone else on this page responsible. I’m just exercising my democratic right to have my say…